Indian diaspora

On this page we will place material about the Indian diaspora in general.

What is diaspora? We googled around and found a lot of references to the Jewish people (e.g. “Noun 1. diaspora – the body of Jews (or Jewish communities) outside Palestine or modern Israel”). But one definition is also:
“3. diaspora – the dispersion or spreading of something that was originally localized (as a people or language or culture)


The Great Indian Diaspora – a preface
By Francis C. Assisi

“I choose the word ‘diaspora’ for the transplantation of my community from India during the second half of the nineteenth century, …[more]


Manas – the Indian Diaspora
found on this website

The Indian diaspora today constitutes an important, and in some respects unique, force in world culture. The origins of the modern Indian …[more]